Tuesday 19 November 2013

Update on Bean Goose flock

The bean goose flock have now split into several groups of birds ranging from 17 to 90 birds. Their distribution on the plateau is widespread but still feeding in known areas.

Roosting is also taking place in several locations with the main site at Fannyside Muir well used on most nights.

It has come to my attention that some birdwatchers are stopping and parking in the entrance track to Luckenburn Farm. This is a busy working farm and the farmer requires access for tractors during the daylight hours. It is possible to park on the main road beside the track to Sheilknows and view any geese that may be on the Luckenburn fields.

Please refrain from parking at the Luckenburn farm entrance.

Some birdwatchers have also  been seen trying to approach the bean geese across fields or nearby woodland. I would ask that this practice is refrained from as it only gets birdwatchers a bad name. Bean Geese are very wary birds and any kind of approach can be seen by the birds and they will be spooked.