Monday, 18 April 2016

Bean Geese in Sweden

All of the bean geese are now in Dalarna County Sweden for breeding. No further information will be available during this period.

I will update you if any breeding information is obtained from ornithologists in Sweden.

Tag10 has been in this area since early April

Picture of Tag10 when given his new collar last October.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

News Update on the Bean Goose flock

The bean geese flock of c150 birds has now moved further north from their previous position on the Glomma River to the NE of Oslo.

This is a known intermediate staging post that our birds have used in previous years.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

News Update for 2 April 2016

Got an interesting piece of information from Simon in Norway that he had just recorded one of our birds taking off and having a super flight to the west coast of America and then returning to the Ukraine in Europe.

See tracking data picture below.