It was amazing to see what they have put together, pictures, games and lots of technical information on the Bean Geese migration this spring.
They have used all the data downloaded from the GPS units on three of the birds to create maps showing the route taken from Scotland to Sweden. Their interpretation of the data and how to display it showed a full understanding of what the birds were doing.
It was good to see that they received a special award from the RSPB and both classes received gifts of binoculars from Viking Optics to encourage the children to get out into the countryside and widen their knowledge of our birds and animals.
Mark Steven from the Radio Scotland programme 'Out of Doors' was present and recorded sequences from the presentation given by the children. This programme is normally broadcast on Saturday mornings commencing at 6.30am.
All in all a super morning and good to see the enthusiasm from the children and their teachers for their efforts in studying their local bean goose flock.
Children at Slamammam School displaying their Certificates and Binoculars
with teachers Alistair Findlay, Lorna Murray, with Judy Paul RSPB, Iain Renwick Area Manager,SNH