Monday 16 February 2015

News Update on Bean Geese

I managed to find 35 bean geese this morning in the western sector of the study area. The rest of the birds are not within the central part of the Avon Valley as I had a good look around when I was out.

We had good news confirmed the other day when Falkirk Council confirmed that proposed large wind turbines that were within the planning system for land to the south of Auchengean Farm have now been withdrawn. This is a major decision in favour of protecting the bean goose flock and their habitats within the Slamannnan Plateau area.

We still cannot relax, as other wind farm companies have been out and about selling their products to other land users within the bean goose area on the plateau.

Their is now so much easy money to be made by landowners installing turbines it is no wonder they rub their hands with glee with the thought of making so much money without much effort. The Scottish Government seem little interested in protecting the natural environment and the birds and animals that live within it with their main focus being on supporting renewable energy at any cost.

It is essential that anyone interested in the protection of this species within Scotland and the UK  keep an eye on the Falkirk/North Lanarkshire planning systems so that they can record their feelings on such matters.