Friday 26 August 2022

News of autumn migration starting

 Yesterday I noted that two of our tags (39 and 20) have moved south in Sweden to the Lake Brosjon area. 

This is a regular staging post for half of our flock before they cross the north sea to Slamannan. 

This pair I believe have bred this year and we may get some information from Lake Brosjon as we have a contact in that area who monitors our geese when they use this staging post. 

This is the pair of birds that have spent the last two winters in Pandrup, Denmark and we are presuming that they will stop over again. Time will tell. 

Below 39,20 and three juvs.

Pictures courtesy of Dan Mangsbro


Update from Dan on 26 August. 123 adults (including collar V6, 39, 20) and 15 juveniles. Families with 4+3+3+2+2+1 juveniles each. 12%young (similar to last two years at Slamannan.